Welcome to the website for the Southfork Property Owners Association!
The Southfork Property Owners Association (SouthforkPOA) invites you to explore our subdivision!
Please use the menu at the left of the page to navigate through the site and learn
about the Southfork subdivision.
Potential New Internet Service Provider
Many of you may have been notified already, but MVEA (Mountain View Electric Association - our electrical service provider) is partnering
with Conexon Connect to bring fiber optic internet service to our area (eventually - Spring 2024). Information is available on
MVEA's website and
Conexon Connect's website. If this looks like something you are interested in, you may want to consider signing up to
be connected as soon as the service becomes available:
Conexon Sign Up. Note that if you pre-registered in the past, you will need to sign up now as well.
There is an opening for an Architectural Control Committee member; if you are interested, please contact the
Additionally, there is an opening for an Association Board member; if you are interested, please contact the
There are an openings on the water board to replace members who have resigned. If you are interested in serving on the board, please contact the
Water Board Secretary.
Residents can also get more information about community concerns and events on Nextdoor or on Facebook:

SouthforkPOA on Nextdoor
(What's this?)

SouthforkPOA on Facebook
Additional information about homeowners' associations can be obtained from:

Council of Neighbors and Organizations (CONO)
(What's this?)